
10 Tips To Keep Your Skin Looking Perfect During Vacation

woman sitting close to water on tropical vacation

You’ve been planning this vacation for months and have made every possible effort to ensure you look and feel your best. What’s not on the travel agenda? Skin that looks anything less than perfect in all of your Instagram posts. Because your skin faces many challenges while you’re traveling, you have to alter your travel skin care needs by slightly changing your routine.

Keep your skin pimple and flake-free by following these 10 tips to keep your skin looking perfect during your vacation.

Preparation is Key

Prepare your skin as best you can before jetting off, and plan accordingly. Will you be traveling via airplane? Are you going to a dry or humid climate? Not only should you keep these questions in mind while packing your products, but also a few days beforehand. Make sure your skin is in great shape before you leave by scheduling a facial, peel, or other recommended treatment.


Pack Accordingly

Take along travel sizes of your regular cleansers that you know already work for your skin. A vacation is no time to be trying out new products that your skin may react poorly to. It’s also a great idea to bring along your regular moisturizer, eye cream, and a serum that will help you counteract dryness.


Protect Your Skin with SPF

Even if you aren’t going to a tropical island, packing sunscreen is a must. Protect yourself from skin cancer and skin-damaging UV rays even if you’re headed to a colder climate. A tinted moisturizer containing SPF is a great way to moisturize your skin while still achieving lightweight coverage.


Keep Your Hands Off Your Face

The average person touches their face a lot more than they realize, and this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make for your skin while traveling. We come into contact with a lot of germs in airplanes and public spaces, and touching your face transmits those germs onto the skin. If you must touch your face, use a tissue or oil blotter as a shield between your hands and your skin to avoid pimples from popping up.


Drink More Water

From the moment you step onto the airplane, the enclosed spaces and stale cabin air immediately dries out your skin. Ditch the tempting sugar-filled soda or latte and drink water instead. It will help to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.


Ease Into Things

After you arrive at your hotel and begin to settle in, make a little time for skin care. Your skin is likely carrying environmental elements on the surface from your day of travel. Once you’re checked in, wash carefully, exfoliate to get rid of any left-behind bacteria that accumulated from your travels, and apply a great moisturizer.


Focus on Food Choices

Vacation-mode usually includes a bit of indulgence in the form of delicious, rich cuisine and alcoholic beverages. However, filling your mealtimes with starches, greasy pizza, and fried foods will send your skin into a frenzy. Your travels may interrupt your usual diet, but make attempts to still eat fresh fruits and vegetables where you can.


Consider Going Makeup-Free

Wearing as little makeup as possible on your travel day is an easy way to have great skin during your vacation. Makeup settles into your pores and hangs onto microorganisms that can wreak havoc on your complexion. Foundations can also be drying or can cause excess oil depending on your skin type. Bring a small makeup bag with you and apply in the bathroom before landing or in the airport bathroom after deplaning.


Give Your Eyes Attention Too

Experiencing dark under-eye circles while traveling happens to many of us. Be sure to pack along an eye cream that works to depuff and brighten your eyes so you will look refreshed even while jet-lagged.


Bring Oil Blotting Cloths

If you are prone to oily skin, be sure to pack blotting cloths in your easy-to-reach carry-on. Oil blotting papers can help reduce the oil sitting on the surface of your skin and are more gentle than regular tissues. They also won’t leave you with any left-behind residue.


Book a Pre-Vacation Skin Treatment

Still have time before your getaway? Now is the perfect time to invest in your skin. A facial will give you the nourishment and moisture your skin craves to prepare for the dry travel climate. Kick off your vacation looking like you will never need to wear makeup again with treatments from Laser Aesthetic Center.


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