
The Best Skin Rejuvenating Treatments For Winter

Winter skin treatments

Season and climate changes can affect the skin and exacerbate some existing skin conditions. For those with eczema, psoriasis, and acne, the colder months can be particularly problematic. By making simple changes to your daily routine, and investing in skin rejuvenating treatments, you can sport your summertime glow all winter long.

These professional treatments will help you shed any damage from the summer sun, control winter flakes, and breakouts, and improve your skin stay healthy and hydrated.

Chemical Peel

What Is It?

A chemical peel utilizes a process of applying a chemical solution to the skin to slough off dead skin cells. As a result, cell turnover is accelerated, and collagen production is stimulated for a smoother, brighter complexion.

How Does it Work?

Before your appointment, you will schedule a thorough consultation appointment where you will discuss certain ingredients and rituals that should be avoided days leading up to your peel. On the day of your appointment, your skin is cleansed, then prepped with a solution that neutralizes the pH levels of your complexion. The amount of the chemical peel will be determined by your skin needs and areas of concern. After the peel, soothing products are applied to finish the treatment.

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone who wants to improve the overall health of their complexion can benefit from chemical peels. Depending on the strength of the peel (superficial, medium, or deep), it can address many specific concerns from reversing hyperpigmentation, smoothing wrinkles, and improving skin tone, texture, and clarity.

Why Winter?

Chemical peels are a great way to address multiple skin concerns at the same time. Winter is the ideal season for peels because we are less susceptible to complications that come with too much UV exposure during the post-care healing process.


What Is It?

Dermaplaning is a quick and straightforward procedure with no downtime required. This treatment leaves behind nothing by healthy and smooth skin. Your hair will not grow back thicker or darker but will continue to grow back at the regular rate of growth and the same texture.

How Does it Work?

During treatment, the top layer of the skin is exfoliated with a surgical blade. In addition to removing the outermost dead skin layer, dermaplaning also removes the vellus hair, also known as peach fuzz.

Who Can Benefit?

This treatment is recommended for anyone looking to remove the dead skin buildup. Products will be able to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, and dermaplaning is safe for all skin types.

Why Winter?

Dermaplaning does not have any downtime, and you can immediately return to work or other activities.


What Is It?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that involves puncturing the skin with micro-needles. During this process, a dermaroller causes trauma and lesions to the skin to trigger your skin’s repair process. Collagen production is stimulated as a direct result.

How Does it Work?

Simple cleansing and mild exfoliation will be performed prior to microneedling. Depending on the depth and strength of the needle, a numbing cream may be applied to ease any discomfort. After the treatment, your skin is infused with serums and treatment creams to promote firming, hydration, calming, and brightening.

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone looking to postpone or reverse signs of aging, promote clarity, and improve their overall tone and texture can benefit.

Why Winter?

Microneedling should not be performed on sun-sensitive skin due to the small punctures made to promote collagen production, making Winter an ideal season for treatment.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

What Is It?

Short, concentrated pulsating beams of light are directed to treat specific skin issues during laser skin resurfacing. Particular areas of concern may be targeted that include pigmentation, age spots, acne, scarring, and unwanted hair.

How Does it Work?

Your skin will be prepared and typically numbed before laser treatment begins. After the procedure, a clinical-strength ointment and an ice pack will be applied depending on the level of the laser treatment.

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone who wants to see dramatic results for correcting skin pigmentation and signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles. Laser skin resurfacing is ideal for those who have already tried a series of chemical peels for their skincare concerns.

Why Winter?

Before having any laser skin resurfacing treatments performed, you must avoid the sun so the laser can treat your actual skin tone. Additionally, following laser skin resurfacing, it’s also recommended to avoid harmful UV rays while your skin heals.

Winter Skin Concerns

Winter is harsh for those with skin concerns. By combining practical steps and with the use of additional non-surgical cosmetic treatment, you can achieve healthy, hydrated skin all year long. Call Laser Aesthetic Center today to schedule make the most out of your winter skin.

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