
The Best Month to Start Laser Tattoo Removal

woman covering her eyes hiding from a bad tattoo she wants to remove

Desperate to be rid of terrible ink? We’ve got good news – now is the perfect time to get started.

If you spent all summer thinking about your tattoo regrets, now is the perfect time to do something about it once and for all. Laser tattoo removal is the top choice for removing unwanted ink whether your tattoo is an oversized masterpiece, or a dainty disappointment.

Why Winter is the Ideal Time to Remove a Tattoo

Winter is the best time of year for laser tattoo removal. While you can begin the treatment process for laser removal anytime of the year, the winter is the easiest season on you and your body and here’s why.

There’s a reduced risk of sun exposure

Winter months mean spending more time indoors with covered skin and less time out in the sun.

It’s important to keep the tattooed area out of the sun for several weeks prior to any removal treatments because tanned or burned skin can alter your final results and leave skin feeling irritated during a laser session. Peeling and blistering of the treated area are common side effects if the skin was exposed to too much sun prior to treatment and can even result in scarring.

Once you have begun treatments, it’s also important to stay out of the sun so your skin has time to properly heal without the harsh UV rays from the sun.

It’s easier to cover up your fading tattoo

Throughout your treatment, your tattoo will gradually fade causing the image to look blurry or messy. If your tattoo is on an exposed area of your body ,such as your arm, the winter enables you to simply cover the area with a sweatshirt or piece of clothing.

Treatments are performed at 10-week intervals to give your skin time to heal, and the number of sessions required depends on a few factors that can vary from person to person. Being able to cover up the process will help you to avoid answering questions on what’s going on with your ink.

You’re less likely to experience an infection

Even a covered treatment area can be susceptible to harmful bacteria and irritants that can lead to your tattoo scarring if the tattoo hasn’t finished healing. Beloved Summer activities like swimming in the lake or ocean can put you at risk for a bacterial infection and can give you serious delay in your removal process.

Skipping shaving is no problem

We all love trading in shorts for long pants in the winter because that means less shaving. While the treated area of your skin is healing, it cannot be shaved, waxed or even plucked because doing so can open up your pores and welcome in scabs or blisters. If your tattoo is located in an area that requires shaving, it will be less of a big deal to let your hair grow out when it can be covered up with a pair of pants in cold weather.

What does the removal process look like?

  1. Before treatment – In your first session, your technician will walk you through the removal process so you know exactly what to expect and tailor a treatment plan that fits your goals and needs.
  2. Treatments – There will be a numbing cream or lidocaine injection to the tattoo to numb the area so the laser passes are more comfortable. Many people describe the feeling of removal being similar to how it felt to initially get the tattoo.
  3. Aftercare – There are a few side effects such as blisters, swelling, redness, or temporary darkness that can present themselves. These are temporary and will subside in 1-2 weeks. Keep the treated area protected from the sun.
  4. Healing – Allow the skin to heal completely between sessions and follow any instructions given to you to speed up the healing process

Treatments will continue until you are happy with the end results.

What if I’m reading this during the spring or summer?

In the time you’ve spent with your unwanted ink, you could have already been on your way to clear, fresh skin. If you’re reading this post in the spring or summer, use this extra time to research everything you will need to know about the treatment process and get your first treatment scheduled for the first day of winter so you can be tattoo-free by the first day of spring.

No matter what, the sooner you start, the sooner you’re free of an irritating tattoo.

Call us today and let us help you move forward into a tattoo free future.

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