
Dysport Vs. Botox: Which Is Right For You?

Botox Vs Dysport

Botox and Dysport are both incredibly popular products for addressing skin issues associated with fine lines and wrinkles. Both injectables work by relaxing the muscles in your face to eliminate wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. When comparing the two, there are a few factors to consider when determining which injectable is right for you.

How Botox and Dysport Compare

Botox and Dysport are both neurotoxins used to treat wrinkles. When injected, they work by relaxing the muscles and preventing those muscles from contracting to keep wrinkles from forming. Injectables work by filling the skin’s creases with another substance to give you smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

While Botox and Dysport work similarly, the length of time for each one to take effect, and the amount of product necessary for effective treatment can differ.

About Dysport

Dysport has many similarities to Botox. Both injectables are non-invasive muscle relaxers that are used to correct a variety of age compilations. Dysport is a botulinum toxin that causes your facial muscles to relax. Once injected under the skin, it’s directed towards targeted areas to treat moderate to severe wrinkles cases. After Dysport injections are administered, the muscles under your skin will immediately relax and smoothen, and specific areas will smoothen. Results typically last for 3-6 months before maintenance is necessary.

About Botox

Botox fillers work similarly to Dysport. Both injectables have the same active ingredient of botulinum toxin A. This active ingredient works by blocking nerve signals to targeted muscles resulting in a softer and more relaxed muscle. Wrinkles and lines are eliminated from this muscle relaxation. Results typically last for 3-4 months before maintenance is necessary.

Significant Differences Between Dysport and Botox

In most instances, Dysport and Botox can be used to treat the same cosmetic conditions. Both have the same active ingredient, safety profiles, and working mechanism. Both are injectable and minimally invasive muscle relaxing agents, making the differences minuscule.

Knowing the best product for treating a specific cosmetic condition is a critical piece in determining which product will give you the results you desire.

Wrinkles Between The Eyes

Parallel lines that appear between the eyebrows are often better treated by Botox. Botox diffuses less than Dysport and works great for small targeted areas on the face.

Crows Feet

When it comes to treating fine lines that appear around the eyes, also referred to as crow’s feet, Dysport may deliver a more desirable result. Dysport diffuses quickly to larger areas and relieves more wrinkles, making it more suitable for larger areas.

Forehead Lines

Dysport spreads easily, making it more useful for treating lines on the forehead. Because Dysport is more diluted, you may need a higher dosage when compared to Botox. Achieving your best results will depend on how the injections are administered.

Are You a Candidate?

Regardless of your age or skin type, you’re likely a good candidate for either Botox or Dysport. Most people who use wrinkle-corrected injectables are between the ages of 35 and 65, and while treatments are more popular with women, men love the anti-aging effects too. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has recently reported that the number of patients under the age of 30 who choose non-surgical “rejuvenation” methods has continued to increase year over year.

When deciding between Botox and Dysport, it’s critical to find a trustworthy and professional provider. If you’re ready to learn more about injectables and how they can rejuvenate your skin, contact Laser Aesthetic Center today to schedule a consultation.

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