
Most Popular Areas for Laser Hair Removal

Woman showing off smooth skin after laser hair removal

If you’ve ever considered laser hair removal, you may already have a good idea of which area of the body you would treat. Laser hair removal saves you time, makes your life easier, and boosts your confidence. So, of course, it may be hard to pick just one area!

Here are some of the most common places to have laser hair removal. And remember, you don’t have to choose just one! Lots of patients begin by treating one area and eventually choose to get additional laser hair removal treatments on other body parts.

About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is safe and effective on most body parts. The laser is concentrated light energy, which is used to target the melanin (pigment) inside of each strand of hair. As this energy is absorbed, it damages the hair follicle (the tube within the skin that produces hair). This damage makes the follicle unable to produce hair in the future.

Because this treatment only works at one stage of a hair’s growth cycle, it usually requires more than one session to get optimal results. But once you achieve your results, say goodbye to shaving and waxing!

Best Places for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal works best on thicker, darker hair, and lighter skin. But it can be effective on anyone; it just means you may require a more comprehensive treatment plan.

As we mentioned, just about every area of the body can be treated with laser hair removal. Some areas are more popular than others simply because they make a bigger impact on a person’s life. In addition, certain areas respond better to treatment.

Bikini Area

Hair in the bikini area usually responds very well to laser hair removal treatment. Compared to the rest of the body, hair in this area tends to be darker and thicker. What’s more, this area can be problematic for other hair removal methods, such as shaving and waxing, as the skin is sensitive and susceptible to irritation and ingrown hairs.


The underarm area is another excellent place to consider laser hair removal. This area requires frequent shaving, which can result in irritation and a dark, shadowy appearance. Underarm hair also responds well to treatment, particularly for those with thick, dark hair in this area.


Hair of the face can be embarrassing, particularly for women. However, it is more common than many people think, especially as we age. Facial hair tends to be thinner and lighter, so it may require more treatment sessions. However, because of the visibility of this area, treating the face means more confidence and improved self-image.


Hair on the legs is typically thicker and darker than in other places, so the legs usually respond great to laser hair removal. This is another area where convenience plays a big role. Imagine not having to shave your legs multiple times per week but, instead, having silky smooth skin 24/7.


Like facial hair, arm hair can cause embarrassment and make you want to cover up. Other hair removal methods, such as shaving, are difficult on the arms because no one wants to see unsightly stubble. This makes laser hair removal a fantastic option for the arms.

How to Choose

With so many areas to choose from, it can be hard to pick one to start with. Of course, which area will make the biggest impact will depend on your unique needs and body.

We are here to help! Make an appointment today with one of our experienced specialists, and we can answer any questions and help you choose the best treatment plan for you.


How to Get the Most out of Your Medspa with Combo Treatments

Woman face getting skincare medspa package treatment

Are you considering investing in minimally invasive anti-aging treatments but there seem to be so many great options that you can’t decide which are right for you?

There are a lot of attractive options available, so it can be impossible to choose just one, especially if you have more than just one skincare problem area. A carefully curated combo plan means a better overall result and the benefit of targeting multiple skin issues without having to choose just one problem to address.

The Multiple Effects of Aging

It is actually quite common to have a variety of skin concerns. Many times these issues are actually related. The reason is that some of these problems are often the result of overlapping causes.

Loss of Proteins

As we age, our bodies naturally will produce less collagen and elastin. These important proteins play a large role in maintaining the youthful appearance of our skin. Collagen acts like a support structure, keeping skin lifted and smooth. Elastin is responsible for (you guessed it) the elasticity of our skin.

When our bodies manufacture less and less of these proteins, there can be consequences for the look and feel of our skin. These consequences accumulate over time and eventually lead to noticeable symptoms of aging.

Sun Damage

Sun damage is not technically a direct result of aging. However, as time passes, all of the hours spent in the sun accumulate and the results appear on our skin. Sun can actually damage the DNA of our cells, negatively impacting the amount of collagen and elastin in our skin and altering the amount of melanin we produce.


Our hormones affect every aspect of our bodies, and that includes our skin. As we age, hormone profiles change, and visible effects can be the result. With age, women produce less estrogen. A reduction in estrogen can cause lower production of elastin and collage, as well as a decrease in hyaluronic acid. A lack of hyaluronic acid can mean thinner skin with a less hydrated appearance.

Common Related Concerns

We often see the same or a similar group of problems come up together. This is why you should consider a combination therapy package.

  • Brown Spots: Brown spots are often a result of sun damage.
  • Melasma: Melasma is an uneven skin tone similar to sun spots, but it usually results from hormonal causes.
  • Fine Lines: Fine lines and wrinkles result from all of the causes we mentioned above.
  • Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: Like fine lines, uneven tone and texture result from sun damage, hormone shifts, and the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin

How a Combo Approach Can Help

If you hope to address multiple concerns at once, consider our special combination PicoSure Focus treatment package. This package is a combination of treatments and products that is centered around the PicoSure Focus laser but includes complimentary treatments to maximize results. The PicoSure laser treats multiple issues, including hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven texture.

Our Proprietary Facial Rejuvenation Package offers our clients long-term results to address present signs of aging and also protect skin in the months to come.

  • 4 PicoSure Focus treatments
  • HydraFacials
  • Chemical Peel (formulated to the client’s unique needs)
  • SkinMedica Retinol or Brightening Cream
  • Growth Factor Serum
  • Medical Grade SPF
  • Vitamin C

This package is great for a wide range of skin types because the laser is gentle but effective, and there’s less of a risk of scarring or burning than with other light-based treatments (like IPL or more aggressive lasers).

If you want to find out whether your skin could benefit from this value-packed treatment plan, schedule a consultation with one of our experts today.


Areas of the Face That Age the Fastest

How faces age, collage of zoomed wrinkle zones and volume loss.

Believe it or not, scientists spend lots of time studying how our faces age. Thanks to them, we know quite a bit about common aging patterns. What is interesting is that even one small area can have a visual effect on how we see the rest of the face.

Conversely, small improvements to certain features can create a surprisingly dramatic difference. With advancements in how we can address and minimize signs of aging, we can often turn back the clock on many of these areas that age the fastest.

How Faces Age

Aging is a completely natural process that we all experience. But what really happens as we age? There are many factors that contribute to how we age.


Collagen is a protein that is very common throughout the body. One of its main functions is to provide structure to tissue, including the skin. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen. As a result, our skin can lose some of its structural support and become less elastic.


In connection with this decrease in collagen, lines and wrinkles can form on the skin. When we make facial expressions and other facial movements that are repeated over time, less collagen means our skin does not bounce back as easily. Permanent creases form in the skin as a result.

Fat Distribution

As the structural support of collagen wanes, the fat underneath our skin does not maintain its place as it once did. Fat pads can sag and lose volume. This translates to a loss of volume in parts of the face, as well as a sunken appearance. Furthermore, sagging areas such as cheeks can actually contribute even more to wrinkles and lines elsewhere on the face.

 Which Areas Age First?


Your eyes are often the first thing people notice, and unfortunately, they can show your age. The skin around the eyes is quite delicate and more susceptible to wrinkles. Our eyes also make plenty of expressions, which adds to wrinkles. Loss of volume in the face can cause hollows to form under the eyes as well.


The forehead is used a lot in facial expressions; think about how your forehead reacts when you are surprised, worried, stressed, confused, and happy. All this muscle movement under the skin means more wrinkles over time.


The cheeks are not an area known for getting wrinkles; instead, this feature is susceptible to volume loss and sagging. The cheeks make up a large portion of the face and include fat pads under the skin that can droop. This can have an impact on other areas of the face, create wrinkles and creases around the jowls, contribute to smile lines, add to sagging undereye areas, and more.


Lips themselves lose volume as we age, becoming thinner and developing lines. In addition, around the lips, we can develop fine lines.

How to Address the Early Signs of Aging

A lot can be done to combat these signs of aging – and no, we don’t mean surgery. Less invasive treatments with reasonable price tags are here. You have certainly heard of Botox injections, which can relax muscles and reduce the type of wrinkles caused by facial expressions in many of these areas.

Dermal fillers offer another approach, addressing the loss of volume and plumping up sagging facial features. The added benefit to these injections? They can boost the production of collagen, which means increasing anti-aging effects following treatment.

Straightforward aging solutions are within reach with cosmetic injections and fillers. If you are interested in exploring what you can do to treat the earliest signs of aging, schedule a no-obligation consultation with our experts today!


Why Do I Have Acne Scars?

Woman looking at acne scars and skin imperfections in mirror.

Suffering from acne can be a real struggle. Even though you should know acne is common and you are not alone, dealing with acne and worse – the scars it leaves behind – can be really frustrating.

Understanding what is going on with your skin can help you to avoid and minimize scarring. And the great news is, even if you have acne scars, we have solutions. Check out our guide to acne scar prevention and management below, and get in touch to learn about these effective treatments for scarring.

Causes of Acne Scars

Scars are actually evidence of your body’s efforts at healing itself from injury. With acne, your body heals the skin at an acne lesion by producing collagen fibers. Unfortunately, when the healing process does not occur perfectly, a scar can form. When too much collagen is produced, a raised scar can appear. When too little is produced, a pitted scar can form.

Whiteheads and blackheads typically don’t cause scarring. Inflammatory acne is more likely to cause scarring because it impacts deeper layers of the skin.

How to Avoid Acne Scars

Certain factors that impact acne scarring include:

  • Genetics – Some people are genetically predisposed to more scarring. If this is the case, you cannot impact this factor directly, but you can be diligent about other prevention efforts.
  • Early Treatment – If you do not treat your acne, it is more likely to cause scars. Early treatment is always best.
  • Picking – Never pick at acne as it can worsen the “injury” to the skin. This will trigger your body’s healing mechanisms to kick in and that collagen production we talked about will take place. In addition, try to avoid touching acne-prone areas unless you are washing your face or applying topicals. Introducing bacteria can worsen inflammation and, as a result, acne scarring.

Treating Acne Scars

If you have scars that are making you feel self-conscious, there’s a wide variety of treatment options. Before setting your sights on a specific treatment, it’s best to meet with a professional so that they can evaluate your scars.


While discoloration of the skin that occurs during healing typically improves over time, texture changes such as pitted or raised acne scarring may not. These types of acne scars can even worsen as they age. This is a result of additional collagen loss in the skin, which occurs naturally when we get older.

PicoSure Focus

No matter the type of scar you have, it’s likely that laser resurfacing could improve your skin. Gentle laser treatment with the PicoSure Focus helps improve scars and smooth skin texture. This treatment delivers light energy to multiple layers of the skin to correct discoloration and smooth texture.

Hinsdale laser skin resurfacing before and after

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels may sound a bit harsh, but they are actually a non-invasive and effective way to exfoliate the outer layers of the skin. New skin will replace this outer layer and is often smoother, with the appearance of scars diminished. There are many chemical peel options out there, so it is essential to talk to a professional about which is right for your skin.

PRP Microneedling

Platelet-Rich Plasma + microneeding is a cutting-edge option that combines a healing solution of PRP derived from your own blood with a microneedling treatment. Microneedling is a procedure that creates tiny punctures on the skin’s surface to promote natural healing processes and to deliver beneficial PRP to deeper levels of the skin.

Which Acne Scar Treatment is Best for My Scars?

There are different types of scars which benefit from different treatments. If you are interested in learning more, schedule a consultation to receive a digital skin analysis. We will show you areas of the skin that will benefit from treatment and help identify your best acne scar treatment option.

How Does Dissolving Fillers Work?

Woman covering her lips.

Lip fillers are undoubtedly commonplace right now, but like anything else, some of those who partake can wind up with “fillers-remorse.” There could be any number of reasons you aren’t 100% satisfied with your lip filler results. And that’s okay because lip filler is anything but permanent.

Answers to Your Questions About Dissolving Fillers

Lip fillers are almost exclusively done with hyaluronic acid. This is an engineered version of a substance that occurs naturally throughout the body, so it is safe to inject. When everything goes as planned, a filler can give lips a plump and pouty look, smooth fine lines, or subtly alter the shape of the lips. But sometimes the results are not what we envisioned, and in those cases, you may want to alter your newly filled look.

Don’t Lip Fillers Dissolve on Their Own?

The short answer is yes. The plumping effect is immediate, but after a while, lip fillers begin to break down and get reabsorbed by the body. This usually takes about 12-18 months to occur naturally. Also, keep in mind that the lips are prone to swelling for a couple of days directly following treatment. For this reason, if you are not completely thrilled with your results on day one, you should give your lips at least a week to recover before you evaluate your fillers.

Can Filler be Reversed?

If you decide, however, that you do not love your filler results and cannot wait a year or longer for the filler to dissolve naturally, don’t despair. Lip fillers are actually dissolvable at just about any time. Whether you just had your lips filled and they were not what you hoped for, or if you had the procedure months ago and simply want your old lips back, dissolving your filler is an option.

How Do You Dissolve Lip Filler?

Dissolving lip filler is a relatively straightforward process that involves injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This substance reacts with the hyaluronic acid to break it down very fast; it begins to work immediately with full effects in a couple of days.

Does Dissolving Lip Filler Hurt?

No, dissolving your filler should not be painful. You may feel a slight burning sensation, and it may be similar to the feelings experienced when you had your original filler. A numbing anesthetic can be applied to minimize discomfort.

Will My Lips Look Deflated?

Lips are quite elastic, so whether filler is dissolved naturally or with treatment, your lips should maintain this elasticity. However, the dissolving agent may work on some of the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid in your lips, so there is a possibility of some small fine lines and sagging at first. This subtle effect may be preferable to overly plumped lips. Similarly, your lips might feel a little flat if you got used to your lip filler.

How Do I Fix My Lip Filler?

Dissolving your lip filler is a good option if you strongly feel your lips are overfilled, and you are unhappy. If you are only mildly dissatisfied, you can choose to wait until the filler dissolves naturally, or you may have other options.

Adding Filler Instead

If your unhappiness stems from uneven lips after filler, another possibility is to even out your lips with additional carefully placed injections. This could be a good option if you like the volume of your lips, but the shape is just not quite right.

Can I Get My Lips Filled Again?

It is generally recommended that you wait at least a week or two after dissolving filler to allow your lips to get completely back to baseline before adding filler. At this point, you can certainly opt for another filler treatment.

Whatever option you are considering, the most important thing is working with an experienced physician. Make sure to explain in detail what type of results you are hoping for. This way, you can be more likely to have predictable results that you love and won’t need to dissolve your fillers. To discuss your lip filler (or lip filler reversal) options, contact our experts for a free consultation.

5 Uses for Dermal Fillers You Haven’t Heard Of

Beautiful woman happy with results of dermal fillers.

We’ve all seen what dermal fillers can do for smoothing wrinkles and plumping lips. But did you know that dermal fillers can do so much more? With the experience and skill of professionals, dermal fillers can be used to contour the shape of the face as well as treat other surprising cosmetic concerns.

The great advantage of dermal fillers is that they can address a multitude of issues without the need for surgery. With surgery comes anesthesia, risks, and recovery time. Fillers, on the other hand, offer excellent results without all the downsides of surgery. Further, dermal fillers can last months or even years between maintenance treatments, and appointments are quick and easy.

Dermal fillers are biocompatible compounds injected beneath the skin to add volume. As we mentioned, they can do more than just smooth lines and wrinkles. Here are some lesser-known uses for dermal fillers that utilize the benefits of nonsurgical injectable treatments to address several different types of cosmetic issues.

Jaw Augmentation

Believe it or not, fillers can actually be used to create a more defined jawline. Fillers result in a more subtle difference than surgery, but the effects will be noticeable and more natural-looking. Because fillers plump the skin, they can address age-related volume loss in the lower face. In addition, they can build out a weak chin to make the face appear slimmer or correct an uneven jawline. Fillers can also tighten sagging jowls, which in turn gives the jawline a more defined appearance.

Nonsurgical Nose Job

Another surprising use for dermal fillers is to enhance the nose. Fillers cannot decrease the size of the nose but can add volume to improve its shape. Fillers can help make a too-small nose more proportionate to the rest of the face. Similarly, for those who want to minimize a lump or lift the tip of the nose, volume can be added strategically to do so.

Undereye Bags

The eyes are often the most noticeable feature on the face, and they are often the main concern when it comes to cosmetic treatments. We know fillers can smooth wrinkles around the eyes and brows, but they can also improve the look of tired eyes, undereye bags, and the sunken appearance that can occur as a result of age or other damaging environmental factors. Some fillers actually can affect the color of dark undereye bags, improving the results in that way as well.

Scar Treatment

Fillers are an effective way to treat concave scars as they can add volume to the scar depression and smooth the skin. The improvement in the skin’s texture that can be achieved often visibly reduces the appearance of acne scars as well as other types of scars.

Aging Hands

As we age, fat becomes distributed in the body differently, and along with sun damage and a decrease in the production of collagen, this can result in significant volume loss in the hands. The skin on the hands can appear thin, saggy, and wrinkled. Using dermal fillers in the hands can reverse these signs of aging. Hand fillers can be used in combination with surface treatments such as lasers which can further smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of age spots.

Curious About Dermal Fillers?

If you are interested in exploring what dermal fillers can do for you, schedule a consultation with one of our experts today. We have extensive experience in using dermal fillers for a variety of treatments and can help you design a treatment plan that addresses all of your anti-aging and other cosmetic concerns.

Will I See CoolSculpting Results by the End of the Summer?

Woman in bathing suit measuring abs

CoolSculpting is a cutting-edge fat-reduction technique that has a lot to offer: it’s minimally invasive, requires little downtime, no incisions are needed, and your results appear over time, so there is no sudden change that says you’ve “had work done.”

But these benefits mean you have to wait a short time to enjoy the ultimate outcome of your CoolSculpting treatment. So just how long will it take to get to that result, and will you see improvement this summer if you get started now?

Why Does CoolSculpting Take Time

Unlike liposuction surgery which physically removes fat at the time of the procedure, CoolSculpting uses a precisely controlled cooling technology to freeze fat cells to the point they become damaged and die off.

This process is completely non-invasive. It does not require anesthesia, incisions, or even injections. Instead, it damages the fat cells from the outside, taking advantage of the body’s own natural mechanisms to remove fat.

First, cells are cooled to a specific temperature that leaves all other tissue unharmed but specifically freezes only the fat cells. At first, these cells remain in place, but they are crystalized by the cold temperature and become damaged and non-functional. As time passes, the body will reabsorb the destroyed fat tissue into the body and remove it via its natural waste removal processes.

CoolSculpting Results Timeline

What can you expect before, during, and after your CoolSculpting treatment?

Before Treatment

There is very little prep involved in CoolSculpting. You will have a consultation to discuss your areas of concern and goals. Your provider will determine if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting. Because it is not a weight loss procedure, this means you are close to your ideal weight and seek to spot-reduce fat.


Treatment typically takes a half hour to a couple of hours. Most patients do not find treatment uncomfortable or painful. After the treatment, the area will be massaged to help break up the tissue that has been frozen and damaged.

After Treatment

You will experience no significant downtime after treatment. For the most part, you can go back to normal activities right away. You may experience some tenderness, redness, or bruising in the area for a couple of days.


Some results can be visible within three weeks. Results will continue to improve over time. Your most noticeable results should be visible about three months following the procedure and can even continue to improve for up to six months. Some patients will opt to have more than one CoolSculpting session to attain optimal results.

Will I see the Results this Summer?

If you get CoolSculpting right now, you may begin to see results by the end of the summer. However, full results would not appear for several months.

That said, there is never a bad time to start treatment, and the sooner you have your first session, the sooner you’ll see a change. Results from CoolSculpting are permanent; once the fat cells are frozen away, those cells will not return.

Is it Ok to Get CoolSculpting During the Summer?

While there are certain other cosmetic treatments, such as certain skin resurfacing procedures that you should avoid during the sunny summer months, you can get CoolSculpting any time of year. There is minimal downtime, and you can go back to regular activities soon after treatment. As we mentioned, there are no incisions or other signs of treatment as there would be with liposuction, so you are swimsuit ready right away.

If you are interested in finding out if CoolSculpting is right for you, get started today by scheduling a free consultation. We can help develop a treatment plan for noticeable and natural-looking results.


How to Pick the Best Local Med Spa

Woman with beautiful skin smiling researching on computer.

When seeking a med spa, you want to be confident in your choice.  But even though you know you should do your research, you may not be sure what questions to ask and what to look for in a treatment center.

What you do know is that you want the whole package; state-of-the-art equipment, experienced and qualified staff, and a relaxing atmosphere. Looking at before-and-after photos and reading reviews is a good start. In addition, here are 10 things to consider when choosing a med spa.

Technician Training

The technicians are often the individuals performing procedures directly on patients. Choose a center that puts technician training as a top priority. Not only should technicians have the training required to provide services, but they should be trained on the specific equipment they use by the manufacturers. Because laser and other equipment vary, it is crucial that the staff have this direct training as well as experience on the specific equipment they are utilizing.

Credible Lasers & Equipment

You want to choose a laser center that uses state-of-the-art equipment to get the best possible results in the safest way. The best equipment comes from top manufacturers such as Cynosure, Palomar, Cutera, and Zeltiq.

Doctor’s Accreditation

Any doctor can oversee a medical spa. The doctor does not need to have any particular credentials or be board certified in a relevant area. You should seek out a center headed by a doctor who is a member of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS).

Doctor on Staff

While it is a requirement that a med spa is overseen by a doctor, it is best if a doctor is present in the office at all times. Knowing a qualified physician is always present to properly supervise and oversee the center will ensure you are confident in your care.

Continuing Education

Continuing education is essential in any facility to make sure the staff remains up to date on the latest advancements in the field as well as reinforce existing skills and experience. Make sure you choose a facility where the staff is current with their training and continuing education.

Laser Maintenance

The equipment at a laser center is key to obtaining the safest care and optimal results. Regular maintenance ensures the laser equipment is performing at its best. Feel free to ask a treatment facility about regular equipment maintenance.

Aesthetician Licenses

All aestheticians should be licensed by the state in which the laser center is located. Your health and safety are important, and you should never leave your care in the hands of non-professionals.


Staff should not only be happy to answer all of your questions before and during your treatment but there should also be clear post-treatment instructions, and the staff should be available for any post-treatment concerns you have.

Office Atmosphere

You should feel comfortable and confident in your provider’s staff. But you should also feel comfortable in the facility. A clean, calming, state-of-the-art atmosphere means even more confidence that you made the best choice.

Office Longevity

Look for a center that has an established practice. Along with a comfortable facility, excellent equipment, and staff credentials, highly experienced providers are a must.

Why Choose Laser Aesthetic Center?

When you choose Laser Aesthetic Center, you should feel confident in your decision. Our office is headed by Dr. Issa E. Muasher, a physician and surgeon with over 32 years of experience and extensive training in cosmetic laser treatment. Our aestheticians are licensed, highly trained, and take their continuing education seriously.

To find out more about our commitment to providing the highest quality, personalized treatment, schedule a consultation today.


How Does Fat Freezing (Cryolipolysis) Work?

Have you ever wondered how modern cosmetic procedures can melt away fat without liposuction? It may seem impossible, but cryolipolysis actually removes fat cells without surgery, needles, or serious risks. The best part is that it is fast and effective, and you will be back to your regular life in almost no time at all.

What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis sounds highly technical- and it is an advanced technology. You may have heard of it more commonly referred to as “CoolSculpting.” CoolSculpting is a treatment in which fat under the skin is targeted, cooled, and effectively frozen. Don’t worry, this technology is extremely safe, and the procedure is generally not painful. CoolSculpting has been proven effective at destroying stubborn fat cells without the need for invasive surgery.

The Biological Process Behind CoolSculpting

Cryolipolysis has an origin story that goes back to a strange (but not harmful) phenomenon in children. Researchers found that toddlers who ate a large number of popsicles developed dimples due to the extensive exposure of the fat tissue to the cold treats. Fat cells died in the spots where the popsicles made contact, while other tissue remained unscathed. It appeared to be the case that fat cells are less resilient to extreme temperatures and are killed with exposure to cold before other cells are affected.

This concept eventually led to the development of cryolipolysis. Because fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than other types of cells, the fat cells can be cooled and frozen while the other types of cells remain unharmed. Therefore the fat can be targeted without the need for invasive treatments such as an incision to remove it or an injection of a substance that destroys it.

So How Does Fat Freezing Work to Actually Remove Fat?

Specifically, fat cells are destroyed when they reach 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Again, the other types of cells remain unaffected and healthy at this temperature (it requires temperatures of 32 degrees or below to damage other tissues). That is actually quite a big difference. CoolSculpting technology uses precisely controlled cold temperatures focused on the fat you want to remove to target and freeze it away.

Hinsdale CoolSculpting process

After the fat cells are frozen, they soon die. The body’s immune system recognizes that these cells are dead and systematically removes them on its own. The cells are broken down and flushed out much like any other waste that occurs in the body.

Once the fat cells die and are removed, those cells will not return. It is possible that new fat cells can appear over time, which is why a healthy diet and lifestyle are essential to maintaining your results. Of course, diet and exercise alone only shrink existing fat cells; the cells do not disappear like with CoolSculpting treatment.

What to Expect

Individual results differ. Many studies have shown that cryolipolysis creates visible results. Results do not appear all at once but slowly over time. For several months following treatment, the treated fat cells will die off and be naturally removed from the body. It may require one to three treatment sessions to attain your desired outcome.


CoolSculpting works on the fat beneath the skin (not the fat deep inside your abdomen surrounding your organs). It will not necessarily help you to lose weight or improve overall health. But it can visibly reduce hard-to-lose fat in stubborn areas.

As mentioned above, even diet and exercise cannot remove fat cells permanently the way cryolipolysis does. In addition, CoolSculpting targets a specific area for fat reduction, whereas targeted fat loss is impossible through diet and exercise.

Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?

CoolSculpting may be an option if you want to loose stubborn fat in a specific problem area. Schedule a consultation with our experts to discuss your goals and find out if CoolSculpting is a good option for you.

What Are the Most Popular Lip Shapes?

All lip shapes are beautiful, but there are some that tend to capture our collective attention. Bold lips are certainly everywhere you look today. If you feel like yours could use a boost, there are options from subtly smoothing fine lines to creating a dramatic transformation.

Lip Shapes

There are many possible lip shapes and an infinite number of variations. Here are some of the most highly sought-after lip shapes right now.

Cupid’s Bow

Image of cupid's bow lip shape.

This is a classic lip shape that is always in style. The cupid’s bow features a top lip that has a defined dip in the middle, between the peaks. The bottom lip is proportional to the top. Celebrities with this lip shape include Rhianna and Scarlett Johansson. This lip shape is highly coveted.


Image of heart shaped lips.

Heart-shaped lips are similar to Cupid’s Bow lips, as the top lip has a defined dip. The subtle difference is in the bottom lip. Heart-shaped lips have a bottom lip that is fuller towards the middle and thinner at the sides. Combined with the cupid’s bow on top, this results in lips with – you guessed it – a heart shape. Celebrities with this sought-after lip shape include Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift.

Full Pillowy Lips

Image of beautiful full lips.

While all lip shapes can be thin or full, the puffy, pillowy lip is very trendy right now. This lip shape has a less defined cupid’s bow or doesn’t have one at all. In other words, the top lip has a more rounded appearance instead of the “M” shape of the heart and cupid’s bow. Both the top and bottom lips are very voluminous. The signature fullness seen on Angelina Jolie and Kylie Jenner makes this a super sexy, on-trend lip shape.


Part of what makes lips attractive beyond their shape is their proportions. Which shapes are more desirable does change over time as trends come and go, but the “right” proportions can stand the test of time.

According to one international study, the most attractive lip proportion is a 1:1 ratio of top to bottom lips. In other words, lips that are roughly the same size were considered to be the most attractive. Participants rated a fuller bottom lip to be the second most attractive shape. Of course, that doesn’t mean a full upper lip isn’t sexy. Celebrities such as Priyanka Chopra show just how beautiful this lip proportion can be.

Attaining Your Perfect Lips

Lip shape is determined by genetics, and fullness can decrease as you get older. As we age, collagen production decreases, which can leave lips less plump. Makeup and topical plumping treatments can help enhance the look of your lips, but they can only go so far. Cosmetic treatments are a popular way to perfect your pout if you aren’t happy with the natural shape of your lips or if your lips have lost their full, youthful appearance with time.


Dermal fillers can offer subtle lip enhancement. Dermal fillers, also known as lip fillers, are injections that add fullness and have a lifting and smoothing effect. Most lip fillers consist of a synthetic formulation of hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body. A qualified and skilled professional can utilize fillers to precisely target specific areas of the lips and skin to affect the shape and fullness of the mouth. Fillers will have the added benefit of smoothing fine lines around the lips.


Botox or Dysport injections can help improve lip wrinkles. These neuromodulators inhibit repetitive muscle movements that lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox and Dysport are different formulations, but they work in the same way. Your provider can help you choose which is best for your desired results. Neuromodulators can be used in conjunction with fillers, depending on your aesthetic goals.

Choose an Experienced and Attentive Expert

There is a broad spectrum of what can be accomplished with injectable treatments. Results can range from subtle and natural-looking to gradually changing the shape of your lips over time to a drastic and immediate difference. It is important to discuss your hopes and expectations with your provider. Book a completely free consultation at the Laser Aesthetic Center to see if lip fillers are the right option for you.

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