
Orland Park Acne Scar Removal


Orland Park acne scar removal

After a long battle with acne, the last thing you want is to be reminded of the painful and frustrating process. Yet acne scars linger on your skin, bringing back that part of your life every time you look in the mirror. While the passing of time helps improve some scarring, there’s no guarantee that it will remove scars completely.

Take your scars’ appearance into your own hands. With Orland Park acne scar removal, you can treat scar tissue and clear your skin. Our PicoSure Focus laser will change the way you view your skin, and help you bid farewell to acne – for good.*

Why Do I Have Acne Scars?

Acne develops when follicles on the skin become plugged. During puberty or other hormonal fluctuations, the sebaceous glands can swell, increasing oil production. The plugged follicles and increased oil cause whiteheads and blackheads, within which bacteria reside and cause inflammation. It’s this inflammation that causes discoloration and potential scarring in the skin.

Because ongoing inflammation causes collagen loss, acne scars are often indented, making them more noticeable on your skin. Cystic acne destroys both skin and fat, leading to scarring that resists fading.

Non-Ablative Laser Scar Treatment Available in Orland Park

After your acne has healed, you can pursue laser scar treatment. The PicoSure Focus helps create new collagen, which fills out areas of scarring. Since this laser is non-ablative, it doesn’t damage your skin, but stimulates cell growth within the dermis. As the collagen grows, the scar pockets will fill out, improving your skin texture.

This laser also breaks up hyperpigmentation within the skin, lightening the scar tissue and making scars far less noticeable. In the weeks after treatment, you’ll see results continue to take hold, with collagen growth continuing for months.*

Depending on your acne scars, you’ll require a certain number of laser treatments. If you’re ready to learn more, just fill out the form to schedule a complimentary consultation.

*Disclaimer: Please note that there is no guarantee of specific results. Results may vary.

Orland Park Acne Scar Removal | Orland Park Acne Scar Treatment | Orland Park Laser Scar Removal

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