
Are Dermal Fillers and Botox Safe During Pregnancy?

Botox and dermal fillers while pregnant

Pregnancy is accompanied by a long list of things you should avoid. If you are already a lover of preventative Botox and dermal fillers, you’re likely wondering if it’s still safe for you to receive your regular injections while pregnant. Most doctors don’t perform Botox or dermal filler injections on pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding; however, there no formal scientific studies are proving these treatments are harmful to a developing baby.

How Botox Works

Botulinum toxin A has been used for years for both medical and cosmetic procedures alike. It is commonly referred to as “Botox Cosmetic,” which refers to one of the compound’s tradenames marketed by the company Allergen Inc. Many other brands of botulinum toxin also exist, including FDA-approved Dysport and Xeomin.

The chemical components of this toxin have been known to help relax facial muscles and reduce fine lines and wrinkles that result from aging. There are a number of cosmetic contouring techniques that Botox can help you to achieve that include, but are not limited to:

  • Eliminating crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Reducing smile lines
  • Shaping and lifting the eyebrows
  • Restructuring the jawline
  • Decreasing forehead frown lines
  • Increasing the opening of the eye
  • Lifting the tip of the nose
  • Reducing circles around the neck
  • Increasing visibility of the lips

Botox During Pregnancy

While many pregnant women request Botox therapy, the safety of botulinum toxin A in pregnancy is a controversial topic. There have been no scientific studies conducted to adequately assess whether the use of this substance is completely safe to use while pregnant. There have been multiple reports of botulinum toxin being used in pregnant women unknowingly for other medical procedures. The majority of these cases resulted in no harm to the mother or growing baby. However, should you decide to pursue this therapy during pregnancy, you should discuss it with your doctor before having any injections performed.

Dermal Fillers During Pregnancy

Dermal fillers are made of a substance (typically hyaluronic acid, collagen, or fat) that is injected into an area containing fine lines and wrinkles. The content helps to smooth the texture of the skin and reduce the appearance of any unwanted lines and wrinkles. There are several types of dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a major component in most fillers. This specific substance is also a natural component that contributes to the deep layers of the skin. Fillers typically last longer than collagen-based fillers and are also often preferred because results can be modified and corrected, if necessary.

The safety of using these filler substances is unknown, as there have been no scientific studies to test their safety in pregnant women. Unlike botulinum toxin, there have been no studies or reports about their use in pregnant patients. However, most physicians agree that there is a low risk to the pregnancy since these localized injections have a low rate of absorption into the bloodstream.

Safe Solutions While You’re Expecting

Retinoid-Based Topical Applications 

While retinoid-based topical applications can improve sun-damaged skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, certain ingredients that specific brands contain should not be used during pregnancy. Always consult with your physician about the safety of any topical applications before use.

Chemical Peels

Briefly used during pregnancy, glycolic acid peels are thought to be generally safe during pregnancy. Salicylic acid peels should be avoided when possible, so it’s advised to discuss whether a specific treatment is safe during pregnancy with your provider.

Laser Therapies

These treatments are highly effective in treating aging skin. However, there is always a risk of redness, irritation, and subsequent darkening effects when used whether a patient is pregnant or not. Because lasers act locally, the risks using laser therapies during pregnancy has not yet been thoroughly studied. There is very little data on the use of lasers during pregnancy, although they have been safely used for other medical procedures in pregnant women.

Lifestyle Changes For Healthier Skin

Specific lifestyle changes can drastically improve the appearance of facial skin. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins is essential to keeping your skin supplied with proper nutrients. Additionally, wearing sun-protective clothing and using sunscreen can help you to avoid the number one contributing factor to aging skin – sun damage!

Are you in search of a pregnancy pick-me-up treatment that is safe for you and your growing baby? Contact Laser Aesthetic Center today to schedule a mom-to-be consultation appointment with our skin experts.

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