
Why It’s So Hard to Leave Acne Behind

woman covering skin to hide acne scarsLife after acne can feel an awful lot like life with acne. Scars may be marring your skin, leading you to cover up with makeup and shy away from simple looks. And while those scars act as external reminders of pimples, there are internal reminders, too. If you spent years with acne, you’re likely still feeling uncomfortable showing off your skin. Acne leads to both physical and emotional damage – and it takes concerted effort to clear both away.

 What’s Left Over After Acne

Acne doesn’t clear up overnight – your skin just doesn’t work like that. Even if you see radical improvements, you might be feeling discouraged by a perceived lack of success with your anti-acne efforts. Once your acne has faded, some lingering feelings of self-consciousness are also common. Acne is hard for everyone, no matter who they are – and it compromises your self worth. After battling acne, while your skin might look clearer, you’re so accustomed to feeling anxious about it that those patterns remain.

There are a few different ways to move forward – and tackling any remaining acne scars is a great first step. Once your skin has less noticeable scarring, the emotional component will come quickly, and you’ll learn to love your skin again.

Effective Acne Scar Removal

Makeup is one option for covering acne scars – and the transformation can be incredible. But that’s always a temporary one, and ongoing makeup use can irritate your skin and lead to additional blemishes. Get to the root of the problem to see real-deal clear skin (without cover-ups).

If you Google “scar removal” you’re going to get every kind of result imaginable – some safe, some effective, some useless, and some leading to even more skin damage. How do you cut through the clutter and find treatment that really works?

We’ve found amazing success for our patients with laser scar removal. The PicoSure Focus treats scar tissue and old, damaged skin to revitalize the area and clear up discoloration. It’s gentler than standard laser skin resurfacing, so you’re not confined to the couch after your treatment. The slight redness that follows will quickly fade. After several treatment sessions and adequate healing time, your skin will be renewed and your acne will be all the further in your past.*

Make this the year you say a final goodbye to acne reminders. Schedule a free consultation today to learn whether this treatment is right for your skin.

*Disclaimer: Please note that there is no guarantee of specific results. Results may vary.

Hinsdale Acne Scar Treatment | Acne Scar Treatment Hinsdale | Treat Acne Scars Hinsdale

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